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Monday, February 28, 2011


My first shot at making a video. Made it a while ago but Im just now putting it up.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Just a few pictures of the 4x bike up close. The weather is killing me, I need to ride!!!


Heres a schedule of all the races that will be going on this summer on the west coast. Hoping to go to as many as I can, hopefully that will be most of them!

Fontana Races
-Southridge Winter series
March 5-6
-Golden state series
March 25-27 (fontana city national)
April 9-10
May 21-22
-Southridge Challenge
November 19-20

MSC races

June 3-5 Angel Fire
June 24-25 Crested Butte
July 8-10 Telluride
July 22-24 Keystone
August 5-7 Snowmass
September 2-6 Grandby

Sea Otter
April 14-17

Ashland 12 mile super-d

June 17-19

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Just a picture of my new bike corner in the apartment.

Winter time

I know, I haven't posted in a long time so I figured id get updates on what has been going on. Its winter time here in Flagstaff and there is zero riding to be done. Although there was a break in the snow for a few weeks we were only able to get out to ride DH once to dust off the rust and throw the bikes around a bit.

I did however go to Fontana twice since the last post. The first time was to keep my 4x career alive and going. Although the results turned out good with a 3rd place finish. I decided that 4x wasn't for me. Do't get me wrong its very fun and I enjoy it, but not having raced bmx my whole puts me at a disadvantage when it comes to the starts. Therefore im putting 4x on the backburner for now and concentrating on DH. Which brings me to the most recent race in which I was doing downhill. With saturday practice being the most fun i've had on a bike in a while, I planned on a fun weekend ahead. With every practice run I got more comfortable with not only riding DH again, but also with the new bike im on for the season. As the day drew to a close I started feeling the flu that had plagued me for the week prior to going to the race. I decided that I wasn't feeling strong enough and to prevent further sickness, opted out of race day on sunday.

Although I didn't race, my friend Nate participated in his first DH race ever. With a solid 5th place finish in Beginner, hes on his to way to becoming hooked on the lifestyle that comes with riding.

My plans are to do alot more races this riding "year" and get to where my results regularly are in the top 10 in Expert/CAT1. Hopefully with some great adventures and fun times with the crew this summer, all of our bike careers will take great leaps and bounds and we can all enjoy each others success.