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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Race weekend

As I was sitting in the shuttle line listening and watching a 30 year old guy wearing all the newest and nicest gear tell a 12 year old kid about how good his bike is and how all the parts on it are amazing, only to find he's racing in the sport class, I realized that most people are full of shit. lol. This was a theme throughout the weekend at the race. I heard kids talking about how they want to get this part and that bike just because they think it will make them cool, and ride faster. Kids on brand new carbon V10s talking a big game only to race in the beginner class. All this going through my mind made me laugh at the "cali" kids and guys.

Anyway, after that being said....My weekend went really good. Good practice runs and nice weather made me happy. Watching Gwin shred was also really cool, after watching his helmet cam footage it made me realize that I had picked a lot of the same lines as him so that can only be a good thing. With the 7 or so runs I got in during the saturday practice, I felt I was going to be pretty ready for race day.

Sunday morning came around and I went up for a couple more pre-race practice runs. I felt better than I had the previous day so I was off to a good start. My race run came around and I was excited to get down the hill. Got a pretty clean run down the hill with only minor mistakes. Pedaling "the wall" was the worst part and i feel I could have done it better but all in all I was pleased with my run. I ended up 4th place missing 3rd by less than half a second.

It was a great weekend and I can't wait to go back this winter for some more fun. Here's another picture from the day and video below.

Monday, November 21, 2011

My race run!

Southridge Challenge

Well just got back from the race this weekend and I had a great time. The track was pretty good, some technical rough stuff, along with smooth faster sections. Ended up getting on the podium with a 4th place run which I was stoked about.

Full story to come, but here are some pics from the action!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


As the snow has been melting here in town, its got me thinking that the riding season may not be entirely done for. Its been about a week since it last snowed and its pretty much all melted away into the abyss. Which brings a smile to my face not only because there is still more riding to be done, but that also means no shoveling cars out of the snow, scraping frozen windows, and wearing unecessarily large jackets and hats.

Its not until the winter season hits every year that I realize how amazing and beautiful Flagstaff is in the summer months. The atmosphere here in the summer is hard to beat. Whether it be festivals downtown, concerts in the park, the busstleing NAU campus, or the epic mountains and riding trails that surround the city, there is something for everybody here.

In most cases, people take full advantage of the trail system that are so carefully built and run. The biking and cycling community here in town is astounding. Flagstaff not only boasts local bikers that ride the trails on a daily basis, but has become big outdoor/mountain bike destination. There have been times up on the mountain both riding XC and downhill, where we have come across people that are not from here, but found themselves here and riding the best trails around. Comments about how awesome the riding and the town are is the norm.

I haven't ridden in too many different places, but from where I have been......but riding in Flagstaff is by far the most fun I've had on a bike. So here's to a short snow season!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Photo of the Day

Went down to Prescott yesterday to ride some XC with my dad, and we brought this bad boy outside for a few pictures.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Not sure why, but this kinda just changed my outlook on life this morning. And makes me want to train harder than ever!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Photo of the Day

Work hard to play hard.
Well winter is finally here and Im not exactly happy about it. With the snow coming down fairly hard the last couple of days, I think riding up here in Flag is done for the season. Between the last few weekends and work during the week, I haven't been able to ride pretty much at all. I went to the slalom course for about 30 minutes the other day, but that was the extent of my riding for the last two weeks.

We made our way over to Las Vegas last weekend just for a fun weekend away from home. Then on saturday we went to a wedding which I wasn't to stoked about but went anyway and had fun. Now on to Fontana in two weeks to race the annual challenge which I'm nowhere near the shape i'd like to be in for it.

I feel like I have these things that I want to accomplish but life always gets in the way. So I want to start getting the things I want to get done, done! Whether it be in my regular life or riding, I just want to reach some of these goals that i've been thinking about for a while now. First things first, focus on the race coming up and get a podium spot at all costs.

With the busy weekends behind me, ill keep you updated regularly as usual!